viernes, 26 de octubre de 2007

Tarea de teatro para el 1 de noviembre.

Traer de memoria para recitar en clase el monólogo Ser o no ser… de la obra Hamlet de William Shakespeare (por equipos).
Resuelve el ejercicio de la página 31 de tu libro.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007

TAREAS ESPAÑOL, Semana del 29 de octubre al 1o de noviembre.

Semana del 29 de octubre al 1o de noviembre de 2007.
ºConsultar temas sobre literatura medieval en www.cervantesvirtual
ºPreparar antología de textos.
ºHacer síntesis a partir del libro.
Nivelación, continuamos todos los lunes de 3:50 a 5:00 p.m.
Profa. Teresa Martínez Celorio.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2007

Social Studies intermediate-GUIDE

Social Studies
Third- Intermediate
Ms. Yolanda Banuet

1. Study all the vocabulary from your book or your notebook.
2. What country was the center of the Renaissance.
3. What family supported the artists in the Middle Ages?
4. Who was Brunelleschi ?
5. Which was the greatest invention in history? It made copies of the Bible in many languages.
6. Study the features of Humanism?
7. Who was William Shakespeare?
8. Study the features of the Reformation movement.
9. In the Reformation the Church was divided in two. Which ones?
10. Which are the 5 steps for the Scientific Method?
11. Which Scientists were important in the development of the Scientific Method?
12. Study the features of the Anglican Church.
13. What was the Inquisition?
14. Study the features of Nationalism and Absolutism.
15. What is a Monarch?
16. What happened in France, Russia and England during Absolutism?

Química II

Felicito al comité, hicieron una excelente presentación de los resultados alcanzados.
Espero sus propuestas.
De todos los alumnos del grupo espero propuestas para abatir totalmente el índice de reprobación, si todos se lo proponen lo pueden lograr.
Recuerden estudiar las fórmulas de los compuestos.
Propiedades de los ácidos, las bases y las sales , ejemplos, usos y obtenciones.
Repasen los problemas, tendremos examen el viernes 25 de Octubre.
Los que no han entregado los reportes de las prácticas háganlo, es el 25%.

Social Studies Advanced-GUIDE

Social Studies
Third Advanced
Yolanda Banuet

1. Study the vocabulary from your book or your notebook.
2.- People was divided in two after the ancient Roman power faded away.
What two groups?
3.- Constantinople grew powerful because of , what?
4.- Name of the emperor that organized collection and explanation of Roman laws for use by the Byzantine Empire.
5. Where is the Hagia Sophia Cathedral located?
6. During the Religious Dispute, Christianity was divided in two, which ones?
7. Main characteristics of the Second Golden Age.
8. What was the name given by the Turks to Constantinople after they had won the attack to the city.?
9. Who were the Nomadic Bedouins?
10.- Write the characteristics of a Bedouin’ s life.
11. What is a Mecca?
12.- Who was The Prophet Mohammad?
13.Who is Allah to the Muslims?
14. Where do Muslims pray?
15. What is the Hajj?
16. What is the Quran?
17. Who were the Shiites and the Sunnis?
18. What is a Caliph?
19.What great achievments were made by the Muslims during the Golden Age.
20. The capital of the Muslims was?.

Social Studies second-Guide

1. Study the vocabulary.
2.Study the three divisions of the Stone Age, and why is it called this way.
3. Study the features of all the divisions of the stone age. Example features of the new age.
4. Why is the Bronze Age called this way?
5. How did Irrigation work back then?
6. What is a city-state?
7. Mesopotamia lies between two rivers, which ones.
8. What city arose by 3500 B.C in this region.
9. How were the temples or pyramids called in the city of Sumer.
10. The Sumarians were conquered by whom?
11. What were the features of a Sumarian house?

Social Studies- second- advanced

1. Study the vocabulary.
2.Study the three divisions of the Stone Age, and why is it called this way.
3. Study the features of all the divisions of the stone age. Example features of the new age.
4. Why is the Bronze Age called this way?
5. How did Irrigation work back then?
6. What is a city-state?
7. Mesopotamia lies between two rivers, which ones.
8. What city arose by 3500 B.C in this region.
9. How were the temples or pyramids called in the city of Sumer.
10. The Sumarians were conquered by whom?
11. What were the features of a Sumarian house?

martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

Science 'Guide Intermediate

1. What is a calendar?
2. Study how the different cultures all over the word studied the moon, the planets, and the stars.
3. How many season does the Earth have?
4. What is a solstice and an equinox?
5. What is gravity and what scientist started to study it?
6. What is Inertia?
7. Study the Concept mapping on pg. 35
8. Study the moon’s surface.
9. Who built the first telescope?
10.What caused the craters on the moon?
11. Is there water on the moon? ( read this section from your book)
12. Read the theory of the origin of the moon.
13. What are the characteristics of the moon?
14. Study the types of eclipses.
15. Study the vocabulary pg. 6,16,20,30 ( key term)

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2007

Requisitos para tener acceso al Colegio.

Estimados Padres de Familia y alumnos:

Les recordamos que para que los alumnos puedan accesar al Colegio deben traer:

- Uniforme completo correspondiente al día.
- Los hombres: Cabello corto, casquete regular.
- Las mujeres: Sin maquillaje, peinadas.
- Tennis blancos para educación física.
- En temporada de frío pueden traer una sudadera o chamarra adicional abajo del sweater de la escuela. Y mallas blancas las mujeres.
- Llegar puntualmente a las 7:20 a.m. y los Lunes de ceremonia a las 7:15 a.m. como máxima tolerancia.

Les agradezco su atención.

Miss Claudia Navarro.
Science Guide- Advanced
1.' Study the vocabulary. pg. ´6, 16,20,30
2. Why does Earth have seasons?
3. What is a leap year?
4. Calendars and cultures.
5. Study concept mapping on pg. 35-book
6.What is Equinox and Solstice.
7. The force of gravity depends on what?
8. What is a solar eclipse.
9. Study the characteristics of the moon.
10. Study the origin of the moon.(theory)
11. Study the moon's surface.
12. What is a tide

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007


Entrega 8
TEMA: Actualización.
SEMANA: 22 a 26 de octubre de 2007.
1) Traer juego de geometría y compás.
2) Revisión y actualización de libros y cuaderno de trabajo; se detectó que no todos los alumnos están al corriente en sus cuadernos de apuntes, libros de trabajo y tareas; por este motivo, se estarán revisando durante esta semana para que al final del periodo este percance no afecte su evaluación o, en su defecto, tengan que establecer fines de semana maratónicos para ponerse al corriente (arrancamos esta semana con el tema “función 1/x” de la página 34 del libro de trabajo).
3) Realizar en forma puntual la tarea que se desprende cada día de la evolución de clase (ejercicios en cuaderno de apuntes).
4) Firma de enterado de los padres en examen del primer periodo (debe estar pegado y corregido en cuaderno de apuntes).

Study Guides for Literature Exams- Intermediate AND Advanced

Study Guide
Literature Intermediate Exam
The exam will be on Tuesday.

The stories that will be on the exam are: "The Sound of Summer Running", "Hard as Nails", and "The Circuit".

1) Review the list of vocabulary and definitions from all 3 stories.
2) Read the three stories again, carefully.
3) Know the authors of the stories.
4) Study the questions from the stories.
5) Read the summary for each story.
6) Pay attention to things like: the characters' names, jobs, which cities they live in, etc.

Study Guide
Literature Advanced Exam
The exam will be on Tuesday.

The exam will cover "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh", "Charles", "Harriet Tubman", and "The Tell-Tale Heart".

1) Read all 4 stories again.
2) Review the vocabulary and definitions from each story.
3) Know the authors of all 4 stories.
4) Review the questions on the US Civil War (dates, two sides in the war, Emancipation Proclamation, etc.)
5) Review the workbook questions for all 4 stories.
6) Know how to make a mental map/ web map.
7) Look at the character sketches we did in class.

Good luck!