domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007

Study Guides for Literature Exams- Intermediate AND Advanced

Study Guide
Literature Intermediate Exam
The exam will be on Tuesday.

The stories that will be on the exam are: "The Sound of Summer Running", "Hard as Nails", and "The Circuit".

1) Review the list of vocabulary and definitions from all 3 stories.
2) Read the three stories again, carefully.
3) Know the authors of the stories.
4) Study the questions from the stories.
5) Read the summary for each story.
6) Pay attention to things like: the characters' names, jobs, which cities they live in, etc.

Study Guide
Literature Advanced Exam
The exam will be on Tuesday.

The exam will cover "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh", "Charles", "Harriet Tubman", and "The Tell-Tale Heart".

1) Read all 4 stories again.
2) Review the vocabulary and definitions from each story.
3) Know the authors of all 4 stories.
4) Review the questions on the US Civil War (dates, two sides in the war, Emancipation Proclamation, etc.)
5) Review the workbook questions for all 4 stories.
6) Know how to make a mental map/ web map.
7) Look at the character sketches we did in class.

Good luck!